Stuttgart bye bye

It is official now, I have been exiled from Swabia for not being miserly enough. One has to know that in Swabia, money is the highest good and has to be valued above all else. Financial status is of utmost importance and the average citizen is so tight, you couldn’t pull a penny out of […]


How often do you get the chance to see a street-racing event up close? For me the answer is: not very often and thus I was keen to watch the annual event in my hometown. It’s certainly not for everyone but if you happen to have an interest in motorcycles, racing AND photography, it’s plain […]

Scenic Train Ride

Thanks to (another) strike of Deutsche Bahn train drivers, I ended up on a different connection on my trip to the north. Took only 1.5 hours longer and provided some nice views along the river Rhine valley. Small cities, vineyards and a castle every kilometre or so. Definitely one of the most scenic rides I […]

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