Heaps of Fun

After returning from the waterfall it was time to prepare dinner. It was very interesting to give Samart a hand with that and see how a hand full of garlic, chillies and some fish turn into a tasty paste. Us couchsurfers were also introduced to ‘holy water’, blessed by the monks and with a spirit […]

Samart’s Bungalows

On Sunday morning Samart picked me up near my guest house. Being a tour guide he rides one of these trucks with two benches in the back, just like the red taxis here in Chiang Mai. There was dire need for space as he was taking five other couchsurfers as well. Our first stop was […]

Chiang Mai FC

After getting back to the city I got in touch with a local couchsurfer, Samart. He works as a tour guide and is extremely active in the community. I met him shortly before my temple adventure when he treated me to a nice northern-Thai food dinner and we had a good time chatting. On Saturday […]

Too much religion

To make things short: A Buddhist Temple is not the right place for me. On Thursday I made the journey up to the temple, helping a group of Dutch tourists not to get ripped off by the taxi drivers on the way. At the temple I checked in and was told that the welcoming would […]

Prepared for the Temple

Modest white clothing, personal items, insect repellent, an umbrella, I think I’ve got what I need for the next ten days. I hope I won’t be surrounded by too many of the people that a local Thai described as ‘smelly hippie people’. There is always a fair share of them around in Chiang Mai as […]

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