Berlin is nice. I like the city, I like the people. Housing market is a pain though, still haven’t found a proper permanent residence. Taking a few days off, visiting a Danish island with my family. It was 34 years ago, that I first set foot on that island.
CSD Berlin
Between Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain
Oslo revisited
Norway is a rich country, made rich by oil. Interestingly, it is now a leading country in renewable energy – good way to invest all that oil money. From what I’ve been told, 80% of all energy in the country comes from non-fossil sources, mostly hydropower. The country is so rich, even the bums are […]
Still not digging Canada
So there I was, in Canada. Thinking about what I was doing there, in Canada. Every day. I didn’t come up with an answer. I felt like I wanted to leave though, there wasn’t much doubt about that. But having spent a fair bit of time and money on the visa and the flight, I […]
More Montreal
Montreal or “Mon réal”, as they pronounce it in French. So square, every street is a straight line.