Blog Posts

Khopra Ridge Trek Day 7

The next lodge after Khopra, Bayali, can be reached via an upper and a lower route. The lower route descends down to Dhan Kharka at 3000m and then climbs back up to Bayali at about 3450m. The upper route goes more or less straight, which means it is still a constant up and down but […]

Khopra Ridge Trek Day 6

The weather in the Himalayas usually develops from clear and sunny in the morning to cloudy at noon to very cloudy and possibly rainy in the evening. All the more reason to get up early and make the best of the day (and the weather). I had a mediocre night, constantly waking up and falling […]

Khopra Ridge Trek Day 5

The lodge is a big house with a high roof and the rooms are only separated by thin walls. I wake up at 5:30 when my neighbour opens his squeaky door to visit the crapper. Given that I was in bed before 22:00, I don’t mind the early hour, it’s getting light anyway. It still […]

Khopra Ridge Trek Day 4

10 hours of sleep, so good! I wake up to a view of Dhaulagiri’s snow covered top. We have a relaxed 9:00 departure and just as the day before, we walk along a narrow path through the forest. Every now and then the trees open up and give way for a view into the valley. […]

Khopra Ridge Trek Day 3

It’s official, this is now the longest trek of my life, pushing Laos 2011 onto position 2. The day doesn’t start ideal, at 4:15 the alarm in the neighbouring room goes off and doesn’t stop any time soon. It doesn’t make much of a difference though, the whole house is getting up early to see […]

Khopra Trek Day 2

At a quarter to seven I’m out of bed and sit at the breakfast table not much later. I go for fried rice, as for me rice is a proven classic for not getting hungry again too early. The day ahead is likely to be the hardest of the whole trek. We’ll walk for 7h […]

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